Tara Reddinger-AdamsJun 2, 2020FIG Times, June 2020Dear Friends of Irreducible Grace Foundation, This past week has been emotionally and mentally draining. To be a virtual witness to the...
Tara Reddinger-AdamsApr 20, 2020FIG Times, April 2020Dear Friends of Irreducible Grace (FIG's), We hope that you all and the communities you are connected to are as well as possible. Thank...
Tara Reddinger-AdamsMar 11, 2020FIG Times Friends of Irreducible Grace Foundation, March 2020 As the snow has melted and the clocks have sprung ahead, IGF has kept moving as well....
Tara Reddinger-AdamsFeb 18, 2020FIG Times, February 2020Hello Friends of IGF, The year seems again to be speeding by, February is half complete! We have been so busy in just a month and half....
Tara Reddinger-AdamsJan 20, 2020FIG Times, January 2020It is Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday, this Monday January 20th. This day has always been a reflective one for me, as I'm old enough to...
Tara Reddinger-AdamsDec 24, 2019Happy Holidays from IGF!We have been busy here at IGF as the year draws to a close. In late-November we celebrated our IGF community at our annual Giving Thanks...
Tara Reddinger-AdamsNov 11, 2019IGF Featured on CBS This Morning and MoreHello/Hotep Friends of IGF, Since the last newsletter there have been soooo many positive opportunities that have come our way. We are in...
Tara Reddinger-AdamsOct 9, 2019Welcome to FIG Times- Friends of Irreducible GraceWelcome to FIG Times- Friends of Irreducible Grace